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#vontron#본트론#가정용초저압필터#ultra-low-pressure filter for home use#RO멤브레인#Membrane
FILTERTECH ULP 2012-100 Vontron 초저압 가정용 RO멤브레인필터 Vontron Ultra Low Pressure Membrane RO Elements Filter D1 SIZE 제품사양 A NSF Water Quality ISO for Standang 9001 D2 L B A/mm B/mm C/mm D1/mm D2/mm 298 48 17 21 21 Permeate Flow Rejection Rate Min. Rejection GPD(m/d) 1000(0.38) () () 99 97 모델명 ULP 2012-100 투과율 100GPD(0.38m/d) 염제거율 99 최소염제거율 97 원수TDS 500ppm 막면적 시험압력 5.0ft2(0.46m3) 60psi 시험온도 25°C 최대작동압력 300psi(2.07Mpa) 최대사용온도 45°C 회수율 PH 13~18 6.5~8.5 Testing Conditions: Testing Pressure Testing Solution Temperature. Testing Solution Concentration(NaCl)· pH Value of Testing Solution Recovery Rate of Single Element... 60 psi (ULP1812-50,ULP1812-75 ULP2012-100 HOR2012-50) 100 psi (ULP2812-200,ULP3012-240, ULP3012-400,ULP3020-420) 25°C 250 ppm (ULP1812-50, ULP1812-75, ULP2012-100 HOR2012-50) 500 ppm(ULP2812-200,ULP3012-240, ULP3012-400,ULP3020-420) 6.5-8.5 -13-18 Operation limits and conditions Max. Working Pressure. Max. Feedwater Temperature... Max. Feedwater SDI.... Residual chlorine Concentration of Feedwater.... pH Range of Feedwater during Continuous Operation pH Range of Feedwater during Chemical Cleaning*** Max. Pressure Drop of Single Membrane Element...... 300psi(2.07Mpa) 45°C .5 <0.1ppm <0.5 ppm (HOR2012) 3~10 2~12 10psi (0.07Mpa) Vontron Ultra Low Pressure Membrane RO Elements Filter Vontron 초저압 가정용 RO멤브레인필터 ULP2012-100은 물에 포함된 오염물질과 미생물 등을 제거하기 위해 사용됩니다. 초저압으로 가정집, 병원, 실험실 등 다양한 곳에서 사용할 수 있습니다. PERFORMANCE CURVES 성능곡선 Performance curves of residential membrane elements under various influencing factors Rejection rates under various feedwater pressures Water permeate performances under various feedwater pressures ULP1812-50 ULP1812-75 . ULP2012-100 91 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 Pressrre(psi) Flow rate(gpd) 240 200 160 80 40 ULP1812-50 ---ULP1812-75 ...... ULP2012-100 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 Pressure(psi) Testing Conditions: 25°C, 250mg/L NaCl, PH=7, Recovery rate=1 Water permeate performances under various temperature Rejection rates under various temperature conditions 99 97 ULP1812-50 --- ULP1812-75 ULP2012-100 Flow rate (gpd) 150 120 60 30 conditions ULP1812-50 - ULP1812-75 ULP2012-100 91 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Tempreature(C) Temperature(C) Testing Conditions: 60psi, 250mg/L NaCl, PH=7, Recovery rate=1 Water permeate performances under various salinity Rejection rates under various salinity conditions 120 conditions Flow rate(gpd) 100 80 8 40 93 •ULP1812-50 --- ULP1812-75 20 ULP2012-100 1812-50 ---2012-75 2012-100 91 50 150 250 350 450 550 0 Concentration as NaCl(mg/L) 50 150 250 350 450 550 Concentration as NaCl(mg/L) Testing Conditions: 25°C 60psi, PH=7, Recovery rate=1